Time for an Installation Guide Revision/Update

I was working through my guides while installing Amithlon in Oracle’s Virtualbox.  Doing so showed me I needed to add quite a few more steps and do a bit of re-ordering of some steps.   I found myself jumping between the Installation Guide, Part 2 of it, the misc notes/information document and some of my own previous blog posts to get a nice standard base configuration.   I’ll try to spend some time during the upcoming holiday seasons to to a rewrite.  At the same time I’d like to rebuild my main system again.  It’s been awhile since installing and I’ve done so many changes I’m not sure what’s what anymore.  Kickstart, WB 3.9 +BB2 + WB3.1.4.1, etc..   Installed this, removed, installed that, removed and repeat numerous times.  I’ll have to take time to record a lot of my settings and configurations before doing that…..so first will come the revised installation guides.

I’ll probably combine all the install guides into one and keep the Kernel and related guides still separate.

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One Response to Time for an Installation Guide Revision/Update

  1. Todd Chamberlain says:

    Hi. I’m pleased to see you’re back. I’m recently re-invigorated to try to build an Amithlon machine, so I’m sure your Blog will be useful for me! Thanx.

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